Onto the Big Screen

After much stress and sketching, I have finally started putting my designs onto the big screen...aka my laptop. For the logo I decided to go with a simple and versatile logo. This logo was mainly inspired by the signs in Chinatown. They are always simple signs with the wording in a rectangle. I think they usually kept their signage this way because of the Chinese characters, which I am also planning to incorporate. This logo will be used for the signage, a sticker to seal the boxes, and used throughout the restaurant brand. I'm still debating about a simple icon that represents the restaurant. My biggest thing is that I don't want it to be a basic dumpling or bamboo steamer. My goal is to make it unique, but due to time I'm going to move on and focus on the packaging.

For the color scheme, I decided to go with fun poppy colors. These will be used throughout the design of the packaging and style of the illustrations. The illustrations are another thing I'm trying to figure out. I know for sure that I want those illustrations to be icon-like and simple and cute.

My biggest challenge for this project is figuring out the dimensions for the product and how to create the template on Adobe Illustrator. When I go home for spring break, I'm planning to go to a dim sum restaurant with a ruler.... This sounds crazy...and weird... but it's the best I got for getting the best measurement for this packaging. It's also important, because I'm splitting the inside of the square box into fours and I have to make sure the overall size can fit each portion of food. I'm hoping all the food will be able to fit in a Taco Bell size box. If you haven't seen Taco Bell's branding.. GO CHECK IT OUT. I don't know why, but I am obsessed with it. I even went ahead and asked the cashier for an extra box. She looked at me like I was crazy. Little does she know that it's for research and I possibly might be going back for another one... Wish me luck. I'll be documenting my experience with a ruler at restaurant so stay tuned. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share and comment below! Thanks!


  1. Please share pictures of you, with a ruler, eating in a dim sum restaurant.


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