The Start of a Long Run

The start of a dreadful process has now begun. Currently, I am writing the proposal for my senior project. As of right now the focus is on packaging design, branding, and infographics. Will I be able to do all of this? Who knows! It already sounds a lot to me especially with the time we have left :( I started looking up how others have created dim sum packages and there were a couple cool ones. On Behance, I actually found someone who did an idea I thought of.

I'm still planning to go off of this idea, but with my twist of course. Not the biggest fan of the sauce cup hanging out or how the chopsticks are kinda hanging out there. Also another concern about this design is that the boxes can definitely slip out easily if you carried that out. Other than that the design of the visuals are awesome!  

I'm still working out how to engineer this, because I've never done packaging design in my life. After looking at other people's dim sum branding, packaging design, I did feel discouraged because they ALL look so damn good! Another goal now is to do something just as good and different. THE STRUGGLE IS TOO REAL Y'ALL. I think the hardest about this senior project is that we have the freedom to do what we want and write our own brief. You would think freedom would be fun right? Wrong, it's just all too overwhelming, but I guess that's also just being adult in general... 

What's the next step you may be asking? Well that's for me to start developing ideas and names and get this project approved. Guys I'm already feeling the running cramps... Wish me luck. 


  1. I am so excited to see where you are going with your senior project. This is such a creative idea! good luck! - Mikaela

  2. Wow. That is a cool packaging design , but of course you'll be able to do it better. Also, who really only orders two dim sum plates?


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